
Peer-reviewed publications

Juan-Jordá, M. J., I. Mosqueira, J. Freire, E. Ferrer-Jordá, and N. Dulvy. 2016. Global scombrid life history dataset. Ecology (Data Paper) (in press).

Coll, M., L. J. Shannon, K. M. Kleisner, M. J. Juan-Jordá, A. Bundy, A. G. Akoglu, D. Banaru, J. L. Boldt, M. F. Borges, A. Cook, I. Diallo, C. Fu, C. Fox, D. Gascuel, L. J. Gurney, T. Hattab, J. J. Heymans, D. Jouffre, B. R. Knight, S. Kucukavsar, S. I. Large, C. Lynam, A. Machias, K. N. Marshall, H. Masski, H. Ojaveer, C. Piroddi, J. Tam, D. Thiao, M. Thiaw, M. A. Torres, M. Travers-Trolet, K. Tsagarakis, I. Tuck, G. I. van der Meeren, D. Yemane, S. G. Zador, and Y. J. Shin. 2016. Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 60:947-962.

Kleisner, K. M., M. Coll, C. P. Lynam, A. Bundy, L. Shannon, Y.-J. Shin, J. L. Boldt, M. F. Borges, I. Diallo, c. Fox, D. Gascuel, J. J. Heymans, M. J. Juan Jordá, D. Jouffre, S. I. Large, K. N. Marshall, H. Ojaveer, C. Piroddi, J. Tam, M. A. Torres, M. Travers-Trolet, K. Tsagarakis, G. I. Van Der Meeren, and S. Zador. 2015. Evaluating changes in marine communities that provide ecosystem services through comparative assessments of community indicators. Ecosystem Services 16:413-429.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., I. Mosqueira, J. Freire, and N. K. Dulvy. 2015. Population declines of tuna and relatives depend on their speed of life. Proceedings of the Royal Society B282:20150322.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., I. Mosqueira, J. Freire, and N. K. Dulvy. 2013. The conservation and management of tunas and their relatives: setting life history research priorities. PLoS ONE8:e70405.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., I. Mosqueira, J. Freire, and N. K. Dulvy. 2013. Life in 3-D: life history strategies in tunas, mackerels and bonitos. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 23:135-155.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., I. Mosqueira, A. B. Cooper, and N. K. Dulvy. 2011. Global population trajectories of tunas and their relatives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 51:20650-20655.

Collette, B. B., K. E. Carpenter, B. A. Polidoro, M. J. Juan-Jordá, A. Boustany, D. J. Die, C. Elfes, W. Fox, J. Graves, L. R. Harrison, R. McManus, C. V. Minte-Vera, R. Nelson, V. Restrepo, J. Schratwieser, C.-L. Sun, A. Amorim, M. B. Brick Peres, C. Canales, G. Cardenas, S.-K. Chang, W.-C. Chiang, N. de Oliveira Leite Jr., H. Harwell, R. Lessa, F. L. Fredou, H. A. Oxenford, R. Serra, K.-T. Shao, R. Sumaila, S.-P. Wang, R. Watson, and E. Yáñez. 2011. High value and long life – Double jeopardy for tunas and billfishes. Science333:291-292.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., J. A. Barth, M. E. Clarke, and W. W. Wakefield. 2009. Groundfish species associations with distinct oceanographic habitats in the Northern California Current. Fisheries Oceanography 18:1-19.

Other publications

Juan-Jordá, M. J., H. Arrizabalaga, V. Restrepo, N. K. Dulvy, A. B. Cooper, and H. Murua. 2015. Preliminary review of ICCAT, WCPFC, IOTC and IATTC progress in applying ecosystem based fisheries management. IOTC–2015–WPEB11–40.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., H. Arrizabalaga, V. Restrepo, N. K. Dulvy, A. B. Cooper, and H. Murua. 2015. Preliminary review of ICCAT and WCPFC progress in applying Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management. ICCAT SCRS/2015/123.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., H. Arrizabalaga, N. K. Dulvy, A. B. Cooper, and H. Murua. 2014. Preliminary review of ICCAT and IATTC progress in applying an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. ICCAT SCRS-14-126.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., H. Arrizabalaga, N. K. Dulvy, A. B. Cooper, and M. H. 2014. Preliminary review of ICCAT, IOTC and IATTC progress in applying an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. IOTC–2014– WPEB10–33.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., I. Mosqueira, J. Freire, and N. K. Dulvy. 2013. Life history correlates of marine fisheries vulnerability: a review and a test with tunas and mackerel species Pages 113-128 in F. Briand, editor. CIESM Workshop Monograph n°45 – Marine extinctions – patterns and processes, 188 p., CIESM Publisher, Monaco.

Juan-Jordá, M. J. 2013. Global population trajectories, life history strategies and vulnerability to fishing of scombrid species: implications for conservation and management. PhD Thesis. Universidad de La Coruña, La Coruña.

Juan-Jordá, M. J., N. K. Dulvy, A. B. Cooper, J. Freire, and I. Mosqueira. 2010. Trends in spawning stock biomass, mean age, mean size at capture and threat status in relation to exploitation status in Atlantic scombrids. ICCAT SCRS/2010/061:1-23.

Juan-Jordá, M. J. 2006. Integration of Oceanographic Information Off the Washington and Oregon Coasts into the West Coast Groundfish Ecology and Management. Master Thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. �